I do not obey

Before the curtain opens, a voice asks us not to take any images during the show. They always ask, I always wonder. Why?

Why can’t I make an image? Is it that the noise and flash will bother other people? Is it because the artists wants to sell their own images? Is it to keep the performance a surprise for others? Why am I not allowed to take some photos?

When the curtain opens, I decide not to obey. I will make some photos. With my camera in stealth mode, no one will be bothered: no sound, no light, just nothing. My images will not be for sale, so no income loss for the artists regarding this. Besides, who nowadays still buys images from performances? A dvd maybe yes, but images? I doubt. Regarding the surprise factor? I will post when performances are done, so I won’t ruin your surprise ;)

I take some images only, as I want to enjoy the performance myself, with my own eyes, not through a camera. Nevertheless, I manage to get some nice shots from a great performance. Enjoy.

Thanks Zagreb HNK Ballet for a great evening.

all images with the x100t

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