contemporary connection | martina marin

Meet Martina, no background in dance, but working in a dance center; no background in economics, but working in marketing. Sometimes the path we take is different from the path we originally thought to choose. Life does that to us.

Not that it is bad though. At the contrary, it can be big fun. Martina told me that now she goes to almost every performance and really enjoys watching dance, contemporary dance.

After finishing her master in art history and comparative literature, Martina worked two years in public relations and marketing. Now she is the PR and marketing director of ZPC (Zagrebacki Plesni Centar, Zagreb Dance Center).

The session I had with Martina was short but fun. I always enjoy the talk during a shoot and get different emotions during the session. To me, the image below is the best, as it shows the nice hour we had, I love the twinkle in the eyes :). Thank you Martina.

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