portrait of myself

I’ve took my first long exposure image in 2016. Denis, a guy who likes to play with a camera as well, was my first so-called sitter. He was a perfect model, managed to be still for six seconds, and so the original project started: “six seconds”. However, it appeared that many, or may be even most people, can’t be that still for six seconds, and I quickly adapted the project to simply “seconds”.

Several years have past and I’ve taken many portraits and by doing so, my little private project reached an amount of 199 portraits. I managed 199 times to have people sit in front of me and be still for several seconds, to reveal their real selves.

Portrait #200 had to be a self-portrait. I did one before, simply to try and test the process. Portrait #200 had to be special though, so therefore another selfie. 

Windowlight, an old reflector (not my ‘trusted’ one) and an exposure of five seconds.

See you again at portrait #300. Hopefully it will arrive a bit quicker as I enjoy the project a lot and hope to create many portraits the upcoming months.

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