self assignment I

Every writer has it. Every photographer has it. Every artist has it. The (writers)block. How to overcome it? How to push yourself? How to create when you are not in the mood? Too tired? Too inspired? How to go on? How to force yourself? How to start creating again?

The best way is to give yourself an assignment: “shoot this, in such and such way”. This will force you to think, to create. For sure no masterpieces but it gets you back on track.

Welcome to a new series: “self assignment”: simple, small jobs to myself to keep me going. Let’s start:

This week you must create a triptych about ‘People (portraits)’ using your 23mm/f2.0 objective and a ‘free of choice’ ratio. You should use an abstract style, combined with following colourmode: free of choice.”

During a walk through my village, I noticed Tommy working on the wood. I took a piece and photographed him through it in order to frame him in an abstract way. Light was gorgeous and the first shot was just perfect. However, a triptych was needed so I needed two images more. In post, I cropped to 16x9 and changed colors with lut’s.

Using Format